Hotel Wireless – Enhance your guest experience by offering hassle free wireless internet

  • Over 90% of hotels offer some form of wireless, but many guests and managers are frustrated with the often high costs and spotty coverage.  Our networking solutions eliminate these problems.
  • Give your guests a break by offering hotel wireless network that’s easy to sign on to, and is strong, fast, and reliable.
  • We offer an additional billing system to generate additional revenues from guests.  This would enable the property owner to recoup the costs for a WiFi solution in a few months.
  • We enable family friendly internet for your hotel, meeting the federal requirements of the CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) and the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).

Reliable, secure and easy to manage indoor and outdoor wireless assures no new management headaches.

  • Our solution eliminates hotel wireless downtime and customer complaints, so you can focus on managing your hotel or resort property, not your wireless.
  • Our product selection uses the best technologies for hotels (such as HotSpot 2.0, which works with the major wireless carriers to enable smooth transitions between cellular and WiFi networks) and is a great cost-effective investment.
  • Our solutions are efficient and effective, allowing hotel owners to swap out your existing, less reliable network, for one that has better coverage, speed, and less costly to manage.